Saturday, January 6, 2018

Resident Evil 4 Mobile 1 1 9 APK for Android OS Free Download

Resident Evil 4 Mobile 1 1 9 APK for Android OS Free Download

Requires Android: 2.3 and up
Overview: This a great news for every Resident Evil fans, the famous survival horror game franchise is now available on Android platform.
This news was retrieved from LG�s official statement. Sadly, the game is only available for South Korean citizens. But if you�re happen to live in the company�s country of origin and have access to U+ Market, you�ll be able to grab theResident Evil 4 immediately for $5 only.
Previously, LG has teamed-up with Capcom to announce Street Fighter IV HD for Android. This fighting game is also available exclusively on LG handset. Capcom also announce that they will conduct a special Street Fighter IV HD Android tournament on the first half of 2012. If you�re happen to own a LG Nitro HD or Optimus LTE, you can navigate to LG Smart World and grab yourself a copy of this game.
Resident Evil 4 for Android Available Exclusively on LG Handsets
It is still unclear when both of those games will be available for non-LG devices. There�s should be lot of android gamers out there who would love to play Street Fighter IV HD and Resident Evil on their handset.

App Screenshots

mzl.hoyjohby.320x480 75 Resident Evil 4 Mobile 1.1.9 APK
mzl.mbonbocv.320x480 75 Resident Evil 4 Mobile 1.1.9 APK
mzl.dllbdtbp.320x480 75 Resident Evil 4 Mobile 1.1.9 APK
mzl.tpbqaruo.320x480 75 Resident Evil 4 Mobile 1.1.9 APK

Download Resident Evil 4 Mobile 1.1.9 APK

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